

Friday, December 10, 2010 | Tags:
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Welcome to my new blog. This will be all about my life as an "outsourcee" and I know that is not a word. At least 20% of the people I know work in a call center these days and I'm not so sure if that is actually a good thing.
Its not a bandwagon movement though. I consider it more of a practical choice. I myself find the shifts, pay, and benefits very much practical. In my case, I also get to practice all the witticisms and lines I heard and read. Plus, its always fun to be the one in control. Its a whole lot better to be the one to run to. Most of the time, people call because they want something from you, and chances are, you are the one on the wheel.
So sit tight, relax and grab the hand of the person right next to you. This will be fun...

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